WASM Pt. 2

Time to revisit WASM! The last use case was running some mapping stuff for Odin's Eye. Now it's image processing, and making some improvements. I also pulled Web Workers in. This is mostly noteworthy because between the workers and the design, I'm throwing away the initialized WASM state, so there's less worrying about memory management and leftover state. Easier, and this setup plays nicer with TinyGo garbage collection (more later).

The Code

At the end of it all, things aren't that hard to get running, but getting to the end took some doing. Lots of conflicting information and tutorials pieced together from different languages.


Before going into the code, I'll talk about TinyGo. TinyGo is an alternate compiler for Go, focused on smaller builds and resource constrained environments. It does 2 great things for this project:

TinyGo didn't play nice with goland, even with the plugin, but admittedly I didn't try hard to make it work. I also needed to link in another set of WASM utilities, Binaryen, but that may depend on how TinyGo is installed. Build commands are below (yeah, in Powershell, I'm giving it a try lately).

# Build Commands
tinygo build -target=wasm -no-debug -gc=leaking -o .\static\wasm\tinypbn.wasm main.go

Go Side

Below is a somewhat simplified version of the Go code for the pixelize process.

func pixelizor(this js.Value, i []js.Value) interface{} {
    // Parse Arguments
    width := i[0].Int()
    height := i[1].Int()
    widthXScalar := i[2].Int()
    heightYScalar := i[3].Int()
    clusterCount := i[4].Int()
    kMeansTune := i[5].Float()
    srcArrayJS := i[6]  // Input image JS object
    outputBuffer := i[7]  // Output Buffer

    // Copy input image bytes
    srcLen := srcArrayJS.Get("byteLength").Int()
    inputImageBytes := make([]uint8, srcLen)
    js.CopyBytesToGo(inputImageBytes, srcArrayJS)

    // Image Transforms
    imgRgb, err := imaging.Decode(bytes.NewReader(inputImageBytes), imaging.AutoOrientation(true))
    resizedImgRgb := resize.Resize(uint(imgRgb.Bounds().Size().X/widthXScalar), uint(imgRgb.Bounds().Size().Y/heightYScalar), imgRgb, resize.NearestNeighbor)
    colorPalette, colorPaletteHexStr := pbn.DominantColors(resizedImgRgb, clusterCount, kMeansTune, false)
    snapImg := pbn.SnapColors(resizedImgRgb, colorPalette)
    newImage := resize.Resize(uint(imgRgb.Bounds().Size().X), uint(imgRgb.Bounds().Size().Y), snapImg, resize.NearestNeighbor)

    // Store image in output buffer
    imgBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    _ = png.Encode(imgBuf, newImage)
    js.CopyBytesToJS(outputBuffer, imgBuf.Bytes())

    // Also return a string
    return js.ValueOf(colorPaletteHexStr)

func main() {
    c := make(chan struct{}, 0)

    println("WASM Go Initialized")
    // register functions for JS
    js.Global().Set("pixelizor", js.FuncOf(pixelizor))


Things aren't too bad, all things considered:

JS side

function pixelizorJS(width, height, widthFactor, heightFactor, numColors, kMeansTune, imgBytes) {
    // initialize the Go WASM glue
    const go = new self.Go();
    const wasmInstance = await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("/static/wasm/tinypbn.wasm"), go.importObject);

    // Set up output image array
    let output = new Uint8Array(imgBytes.length)

    // Call the exposed wasm function
    let ret = await pixelizor(width, height, widthFactor, heightFactor, numColors, kMeansTune, imgBytes, output);

    // Log our string

    // Set the image to the output
    document.getElementById("img").src = URL.createObjectURL(
    new Blob([output.buffer], { type: "image/png" })

On the JS side, things also aren't too bad either, though there's a bit more magic that the Go side. And more ways this can be done. And more conflicting information since things depends on what language is running in wasm. Key points here are:


This time around, I think things are a bit more streamlined, and things are definitely going quicker, but aren't wildly different from before. The most notable improvement is speed from the TinyGo Leaking GC, though that's only safe because of the Web Worker (I didn't test outside a worker). See it in action by playing with an image filter.